Wednesday, November 9, 2016

pregnant and giving birth horor movie



A group of astronauts led by Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne), underwent a secret mission to find a space plane called Event Horizon parent who had long lost contact, along with a physics professor spacecraft specialist Dr. William Weir (Sam Neill). Armed with the last coordinates of the best event horizon, they finally found the wreck such huge. Dr. William was in fact the architect Event Horizon, he understands the ins and outs of large aircraft. Air the astronauts were based on Event Horizon and they went in.

The investigation was begun, in the plane is not a single person, all sort of disappeared, only a few horrible recording the final seconds. One astronaut accidentally included in a single room which was very strange, contains a kind of big balls rotating surrounded by three layers of ring spinning Random, when the astronauts approached, suddenly the ball is spinning rapidly, up her form of crazy energy, a kind of black hole that led to the astronaut dragged into it, after which the object is like issuing explosion magnetic field.

After the astronauts successfully removed, oddities occur to him, he did not respond to anything, even if he did not pass out or die. After the incident one by one of the astronauts experienced idiosyncrasies creepy, not as objects that exist on board, but because of the experiences of the astronauts themselves dikehidupan respectively, illusions that led to the traumatic experience of the dark and real.

Captain Miller initially assume it is the impact of the explosion mysterious magnetic field, but over time he was also experienced similar things. Plus, an astronaut who dragged it controlled as any other creature, trying to kill the other astronauts and suicide. Captain Miller suspected that hidden Dr. William, it is true, the aircraft has mastered the dark energy, because the travel space and time (using a ball of black holes) to a very dark place, which contains the most dark and terrible things in the universe. Intrigued by the mystery ending, could see this old school movie.

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