Sunday, November 6, 2016

pregnant baby alien (HAMIL ANAK ALIEN)

watch p(7)


Draenor, the orcs world, is dying. Gul'dan (Daniel Wu) unite the orcish tribes into a force called Horde, a mysterious and magical power called fel to create a portal to the world of Azeroth. Fel need life energy sucked to dry to maintain the portal, so Orc prisoners sacrificed to fuel the portal. Gul'dan bring a small army to arrest residents in Azeroth as a detainee, and presenting them for fel, so as to bring the whole Horde. Durotan (Toby Kebbell), head of the Frostwolf clan, Draka (Anna Galvin), his pregnant wife, and his friend Orgrim Doomhammer (Robert Kazinsky) joins forces with little. When the orcs arrived in Azeroth, Gul'dan help Draka by birth, but the baby can not be saved. With his power Gul'dan then use the energy of live deer that stood to revive and instill fel magic into Durotan baby.

Orcs attacked several settlements throughout Azeroth. Sir Anduin Lothar (Travis FIMMEL), military commander of Stormwind, received the news that the army barracks full of bodies with the condition that odd, then he rushed to where the bodies were kept, was where Lothar met Khadgar (Ben Schnetzer), a young wizard potential which turned out to be an escape from the witches training. Khadgar explained that he was investigating the bodies because they contain traces of fel. Khadgar then advised the king of Stormwind, Llane Wrynn (Dominic Cooper), to consult with Medivh (Ben Foster), a magician highest level who also became keeper Trisfal, then Llane send Lothar and Khadgar to the fort Medivh in Karazhan to inform trail fel in Azeroth. In the Library Karazhan, Khadgar who was alone in the library saw the figure of a mysterious black shadow, which seemed to lead him on a mysterious book. The book was then he tuck hem when Medivh and Lothar arrived

Lothar, Khadgar and Medivh incorporated in a special team to uncover traces of fel magic, but middle of the road were ambushed by a horde of orcs. Medivh use spells to kill most of the orcs, but Durotan escaped. Together the last orc Garona (Paula Patton), a prisoner who was a female half-orc, Khadgar accidentally bumped into Garona equally being escaped, with Khadgar reflex catch Garona with his magic. King Llane Garona finally freed on the condition that he should disclose what plans along the orc Gul'dan and show orc camp. Meanwhile, Durotan realized that the magic was drying fel Draenor life, precisely because fel Draenor dying and if Gul'dan did not stop then Azeroth will suffer a similar fate. Despite objections, Orgrim, Durotan approved a proposal to hold a secret meeting with the human king, Llane, so the Frostwolf clan and humans can unite to defeat Gul'dan. Elsewhere, the book is taken up by hadgar diperpustakaan Karazhan, turned out to contain the knowledge of more details on fel, and he found that fel can not be done unilaterally, meaning that there should be two witches to open a portal that, in this case the orcs and humans, if the witch orc is Gul'dan then there must be a traitor in Azeroth. Khadgar intends to report its findings on Medivh, but on the pretext of protecting Khadgar comparatively still too novice to deal with Gul'dan and fel, Khadgar Medivh burn all findings and took the book

Frostwolf clan met to negotiate an alliance with humans, but have not met an agreement, has been ambushed by another orc. Most humans retreat, Medivh form a magical barrier to protect them, but Lothar and his son Callan integral, and killed by Blackhand (orc leader played by Clancy Brown). Medivh was very weak after the incident, so that Garona and Khadgar took it back to Karazhan to be restored. After seeing Medivh's eyes turn green, indicating that it affected fel magic, Khadgar returned to Dalaran to seek help from a group called the Kirin Tor wizards. Alodi, legendary witch who turns out the real identity of the shadows who met Khadgar among the bookshelves in the library, Alodi revealed that Medivh was already damaged by fel and demon possession. In the orc camp, Blackhand cleaning Frostwolf clan, because they have betrayed. Draka managed to escape and immerse the baby down the river in a basket, but he was later captured and killed by another orc. Durotan challenging Gul'dan Mak'gora, namely traditional orc duel one on one with a few rules. During the fight takes place, managed to knock down a few times Durotan Gul'dan, but when it coincides with the ritual opening of the gates fel, Gul'dan want an immediate end to fight for him in vain, he then cheated Durotan using magic, because the fight is no longer balanced , Durotan was eventually killed sucked by fel magic Gul'dan. Elsewhere, Medivh is also doing rituals, now he is in a state of half-demon, began to open a portal to Draenor.

Llane lead human soldiers to repel the orc, while Khadgar and Lothar against Medivh and cast out demons in him. Medivh eventually successfully disabled, but the orcs almost won the battle. Once disabled, Medivh was realized and the remaining strength opens a portal to help troops Llane, but Llane is the true king that prioritizes the safety of its people, he was putting to rescue the people from the confinement of the orcs to return to Azeroth, although he himself was stuck didraenor together several forces including gerona, blackhad tried to take the honor to kill the king Llane but Llane ask gerona kill him in order to honor gerona can come back and be accepted among the orcs, with pain, gerona grant the request Llena, a king who was greatly admired gerona, knife gerona may have penetrated the neck of the king shortly before blackhad achieved, thus, gerona gets honor, though with a heavy heart. Suddenly came from outer Lothar eagle with horses, entered the middle forces and challenging blackhad, fight one on one, which eventually won Lothar, Gul'dan did not seem to accept the deaths blackhad Lothar hands and ordered the orcs to kill him, but gerona with awarded an honorary degree, said that the fight has been won by a fair man, and all must accept the knight, the orc was precisely saluted Lothar and offer a way to go to bring the bodies of the king Llane, though Gul'dan continued to yell ordered the orc to kill Lothar.


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